I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available Bonded With: Junior

Meet Otto, a sweet Terrier mix who was born 4/6/24.  Otto came in with his brother, Junior, and they are very happy together.  Otto seems to be a follower of Junior and gets confidence from his brother's outgoing personality.  Otto is the shyer of the two, but once he sees that Junior is happy, all is right with the world and he follows the lead.  We would love to find a loving home for the pair and will do our best to keep them together for the time being.  Since Otto is still very young, he can get used to being apart and may be good in a home that already has another dog since that is what he has been used to.  He is very submissive.  He has been used to being indoors and they had him in a setup with a gated off area with open crating for sleeping.  He was left indoors for 8 hours a day so the prior owners were not home often enough to potty train Otto, so he will need to learn his outside pottying by new owners.  He has lived with other dogs his size and no cats.  He seems to be more comfortable around older kids, as toddlers are a little scary for him.  He is not aggressive at all and seems to enjoy hanging out with Junior and the other dogs here at the shelter.  $350.00 adoption.  If adopting the pair, there is a discount.  

  • Terrier
  • Male
  • 11 Months OldMy DoB is 04/06/2024
  • 10 - 20 Pounds
  • California
  • Tan & White
  • Gentle and Friendly
  • I Like Kids Over 10
  • I Only Like Small Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
  • I'm Currently In Training
Apply To Adopt Otto
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